We always ensure to provide good quality products in terms of physical condition.

We don’t provide refund or cancel order as you paid for a books. So we request to ensure before putting your order.

In any circumstance costumer that costemer want to cancel order or return order, costumer must notify us only via mail on sharuaatmagazine@gmail.com in 48 ours of putting order or receiving order. after 48 hours we will not consider your appeal/mail. Book Store / Team will decide whether it should approve or not.

In any case, If sharuaat book store approves the return of an order then return courier charge will be bared by costumer, only.

In case of back order, we will provide product in 15 days time limit or we will return money. We are not going to return money which payment gateway charges costumer for an order.

In case of back order if product/products is/are not available then costumer can choose money return, or you can order other product with similar order price.

We can update our Refund and Cancellation Policy without any prior notice to costumer.

Sharuaat Book Store
+91- 8141191311